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Jorge Alban

This interview took place during the Biennial Interactiva’07 in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, on June of 2007



InteractivA'07 took place from June 14 to July 31 at the Centro Cultural de Mérida Olimpo, and related cultural spaces in Yucatan, Mexico. In words of the Director Raul Moarquech Ferrera-Balanquet: "The Biennale is an interdisciplinary laboratory that employs an alternative vision of art. How is it made? Through collaboration and thanks to the working team and the "Interactivos" (the participants). I couldn't define anything, I don't consider myself an authority, but a curator with a vision closer to the production of a proposal like a work of art; a vision that consider the economic reality of artistic production in the region where I live; and, one that tries to create communities of exchange to enrich our social process of apprenticeship and development. As you see, the definitions of traditional exposition say other things."



Artista Visual Y Crítico Cultural Desde Centroamérica. Su visión de las paradojas sociopoliticas latinoamericanas y exploración sustentable de estas a través de los nuevos medios le han merecido una Mención Honorífica en el Primer Certámen Centroamericano de Arte Emergente, MADC, 2003; Mención Honorífica en la Segunda Bienal Interamericana del Video del BID, en Washington DC, 2004; Primer Lugar en La240, Festival de Cine Jóven, 2005; Primer Lugar de Selección en BIENARTE 2005, Certámen de Artes Visuales, MADC, 2005 y el segundo lugar en la V Bienal de Artes Visuales del Istmo Centroamericano, El Salvador, 2006. Se le puede contactar escribiendo a